How it is made.

No other time of the day needs a burst of energy quite like a morning does. Especially the early one. So this time on «How it is made» we’re going to unpack the work that goes into The Beginnings' Mango Granolas (and tempt you with a fantastic breakfast of course).

The Beginnings uses only gluten free oats in granolas.

The Beginnings products *are* simple in nature, you know this motto by now, but Mango Granola is in a league of its own, even by our own standards. Which perfectly captures the essence of a good breakfast: fewer ingredients with lots of nutrients and energy.

Gluten Free Oats, Mango, Almonds, Coconut, Chia, Agave Syrup and a drop of Peanut Oil. A fairly short recipe, though the list of nutrients these ingredients contain is anything but short. Oats alone have 6 vitamins and 8 minerals in them. Almonds? It’s 13 and 10 respectively.

Mango and Coconut is dried together and sweetend by Agave syrup.

Mixed ingredients are dried for 24 hours at 45 degrees celcius. No gimmicks, no unnecessary process or hidden 'wonders' of technology. The Beginnings takes its sweet time keeping all the good stuff intact. We even dry mango and coconut together to enhance flavours.

Sealed at the proper humidity Mango Granolas are now ready to elevate your morning. Leaving us with the last thing to do: encourage you to add your favorite oat drink or perhaps Turkish yoghurt? A handful of berries, a chopped up banana (thick chunks work the best).

Personally, I pair it with The Beginnings Mango Bar ;)

In all seriousness though, check out our other flavours like Strawberry & Cocoa, Cranberry & Hazelnuts or Pecan Nuts & Pumpkin Seed one. A good breakfast like that makes all the difference.